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Directed by Lorcan Finnegan

Jesse Eisenberg, Imogen Poots


I actually loved this freaky little film! But I pretty much always trust what Jesse Eisenberg decides to be in. He has great taste what can I say! 

Vivarium (2019) was directed by Lorcan Finnegan who I am excited to see is directing 'The Surfer' starring Nicolas Cage. It will be interesting to see whether he will retire his messed up little brain or continue on his raging path of psychological destruction like his previous works (hopefully the latter).


Jesse Eisenberg and Imogen Poots are both incredibly enjoyable to watch as usual. It is always throughly entertaining to watch how actors go about a decent into madness and lets just say they pull it off very well. I don't even want to think about the isolation and infuriating circumstances of this storyline. Not to mention the one particular character I wouldn't mind pummelling into the ground. But thats all part of the Vivarium experience.​

As a big fan of liminal space and the most disturbing Black Mirror episodes, I felt like this film was for me.This film drove me mad, made me disgusted and backed up some of my thoughts on having children and the nuclear family.It’s hard to say much about this film without spoiling it, so I will leave my review short and sweet.

Do watch this film if you…


A) Want children


B) Love a cul-de-sac


C) Unsure about your current relationship

Written by Daisy-Drew Smith
Gallery Director
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